What makes the You Match Them (YMT) dating app special?

Let others find your date!

Are you tired of dating apps that rely on impersonal algorithms and artificial intelligence to find your match? Welcome to You Match Them (YMT), the revolutionary dating app that puts people back in control of the matchmaking process.

Human-Powered Matchmaking: Unlike other dating apps, You Match Them (YMT) relies on the collective instincts of real people to create potential matches. Remember those times someone said, "I think James and Sally would be perfect together"? Now, you can be that matchmaker!

Interactive and Engaging: Whether you’re looking for love or just enjoy the thrill of matchmaking, You Match Them (YMT) offers an entertaining, game-like experience. Swipe through photos of potential couples and decide within seconds if you think they’d make a great match. Your intuition drives the process!

International Reach: Connect with singles from all over the world. Expand your horizons and meet people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Community-Driven Success: You Match Them (YMT)'s success depends on your engagement. Share the app with friends, contribute to the matchmaking community, and help this unique human experiment thrive.

The You Match Them (YMT) dating app is owned by You Match Them (YMT) LTD, 20 Wenlock Road, N1 7GU, London, United Kingdom. Company registration number 15379890.

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